Monday, November 30, 2015

650 sx (4)

Hey guys totally decided to rebuild my whole motor in my 650. Well if  I am going to be completely honest it wasn't really a decision my motor did this weird clunk and stopped working. So i ripped it all apart and noticed the pistons were all scrapped up. i bought a new piston and ring set then had my cylinder jugs bored out 1mm over to match the new pistons and slid it in. Plus i had painted it the finish product turned out really good i am so happy with it. I will go over all the how to's and prep i did to the motor. Anyway these a re a few photos.

X2 (2)

After riding my new jet ski i  had noticed i had got a lot of bang for my buck. It was a lot faster than i though There was a nice high compression head and a 46 mm carb on it which gave it a lot of pull. however, there was a few things that needed some minor issues fixed. One was the steering was off it was nearly impossible to turn left and that there was a small exhaust leak easy fixes. once i got it home i decided to pull the motor and start working on that good awful paint scheme.

X2 (1)

i have always wanted a kawasaki 650 x2. They are to me just so cool after a friend of mine let me ride his i have wanted one of my own. Howeverm they are just so expensive. I couldn't find one for any less then $1,200 which was a little out of my price range. Finally, after a long 6 month search i got a good deal off of a buddy of mine. It only cost me $800 dollars and it came with a lot of aftermarket parts. The only thing it really needed was some tlc and some new paint.